Friday, February 12, 2010

From console to communergy

It's been almost a year since I wrote anything here. I got distracted, and I gave the link to a few people and never heard anything from them ever again - not quite the intention.

Anyway, I've been working on producing a personal home energy tracking system, since I acquired a Maplin Weather Station, and started to wonder how some of the things I've been learning on Open University environment and technology courses could be put to some use. I'd done a couple of spreadsheet and footprint exercises, but what has really been happening in our household energy consumption?

And how did I get from here:

to here

I've put this off for about a year, but I'll try and go through all the stages, not least so I don't forget why I've made some of the decisions that seemed to make sense at the time. In the meantime, you can see my personal home-monitoring site here , and the source code for the multiple-user version is here.

I'll try to stop complaining about Slough Borough Council's approach to renewable energy as well.

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